MOVING for Health

Inspiring a healthy and active lifestyle for all

What Is The Moving For Health Project?

The MOVING for Health (MfH) project aims to connect physical and health literacy, offering tools, knowledge, and information to develop and improve the healthy lifestyles of citizens. It does this by connecting individuals (teachers, trainers, health providers, community developers) and organisational settings (schools, clubs, communities, health centers).

The MOVING for Health (MfH) project is supported by the EU Erasmus+ programme. The partners are ISCA (lead coordinator), European Physical Education Association (EUPEA) (Luxembourg), Human Kinetics Faculty, University of Lisbon (Portugal), Change the Game (Sweden), Sports Union of Slovenia (Slovenia), Deporte Para La Educación Y La Salud (DES) (Spain), and the National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) (Slovenia).

Building on what was learned from the Physical Literacy for Life (PL4L) project and the tools developed in that project, the MfH project aims to create a new model by integrating health literacy into the equation.

Development And Future Of The Moving For Health Model

The MOVING for Health model will be developed based on research and analysis of existing resources, strategies, and good practices in the fields of health and physical literacy.

A capacity-building programme will be conducted to develop and deliver the MfH model, and an e-learning course will be created to help roll out the model further. This course will be made available for all EU countries and beyond at the conclusion of the project, which will be presented at an international conference.

Furthermore, the model will be tested in three countries (Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden) and in four different settings (school, sports club, health center, and local community) to assess how it is understood.

Target Groups

The project addresses and defines common needs and priorities in the fields of education, training, youth, sport, health, and community development. Thus, the four primary target groups in the project are teachers, trainers, community developers, and health providers, while the four secondary target groups are students, club members, citizens, and patients.

"Project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."