MOVING for Health

Inspiring a healthy and active lifestyle for all

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The MOVING for Health is a 24-month Erasmus+ project dedicated to inspiring a healthy and active lifestyle for all by integrating physical literacy and health literacy into one holistic model.

Our vision: to combine physical and health literacy

In the MOVING for Health project, we aim to transform the perception of health and wellness in our sector by integrating physical and health literacy into a combined mindset, capacity and practice. The holistic approach of the project addresses key priorities in education, training, youth, sport, health and community development, which can lead to tailored initiatives and strategies.

We envision a world where everyone—regular citizens, students, sport club members and patients—has the knowledge, understanding, and skills to:

  • Access and maintain an active lifestyle
  • Develop a strong personal identity, wellbeing and respectful relationships
  • Acquire movement skills, competency and creativity in various contexts.

Our goal is to empower individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives through this comprehensive approach.


  • Building a collaborative network

    MOVING for Health engages diverse partners and target groups in transnational and cross-sector collaboration. Our network includes schools, sports clubs, health centres and local communities, engaging teachers, trainers, health providers and community developers. By building capacity across these sectors, we aim to enhance the quality of work, activities and practices of all organisations involved.

  • Developing the MOVING for Health Model

    The project partners, with their expertise in physical and health literacy, are committed to creating a new and innovative MOVING for Health model. This model integrates the four physical literacy domains—physical, cognitive, emotional and social—into a comprehensive framework for lifelong learning and healthy living. Our goal is to provide tools and resources that encourage participation in sport and physical activity, promoting them as vital components for health and wellbeing.

  • Disseminating the MOVING for Health model to a wider audience and enhance sustainability

    We invite you to join the MOVING for Health network. Together, we can build our capacities, share best practices and create sustainable initiatives that promote physical and health literacy across Europe and beyond.

    Explore our website to learn more about our objectives, follow the updates and enhance your knowledge through our online training tool.

"Project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them."